All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Yes Meditation
In this meditation, we’ll let the mind be free to find greater acceptance of the present moment.
Cyclic Sighing
Cyclic sighing - also known as physiological sighing - is a breathing technique that you can use to reduce anxiety and stress.
Compassionate Breathing
This practice will foster a sense of connection with others, joy, and resiliency to decrease negative emotions like anxiety and depression.
4-4-6-2 Breath Practice
The 4-4-6-2 practice can create a fresh start to the day by bringing balance, energy, and clarity into the body, breath, and mind!
Awareness of Breath
Mindful breathing can result in a number of proven health benefits such as pain relief, stress, reduction, anxiety reduction, and less negative thinking.
Coherent Breathing
This practice uses conscious breath to reduce stress, anxiety, and a slow down a racing heart.
Weather Pattern of Thoughts
Using the breath as an anchor for your attention, you will be invited to begin to notice, without judgment, the weather patterns of thoughts that float across the expansive sky of your mind.
Steadying the Mind in Presence
This practice will bring mindful attention to thinking, and then use simple phrases to help the mind stay present.
Slowing our Momentum
In this practice, we’ll explore how to slow the momentum of expectations and other aspects of life using breath and visualization.
Effort and Ease
In this practice, we’ll explore the Zen phrase of ‘right effort’, which means the balance between effort and ease.
Be Real Grateful
In this guided meditation we will find and experience gratitude for things big and small, incorporating affirmations with our breathwork.
Coming to Rest
A meditation to help you slow down. Bring rest to the body by creating awareness of the ground supporting you, your breath flowing in and out, and your thoughts slowing down.
Present Moment Curiosity
A practice for stepping out of our everyday habit loops and noticing what might normally be overlooked. This becomes a path for bringing a welcome sense of respite to the body and mind.
Mindfulness of Thoughts
In this meditation, we’ll experience how softly noting our thoughts can help us learn how to not be carried away by our stories.
Be Real Present
In this guided meditation, we will scan our bodies to notice how we are arriving, and if there is anything that we are holding on to.
16 Steps of Meditation
This practice will guide you through the 16 steps of basic meditation.
Embodying Center
This meditation is intended to help you connect to your embodied sense of center.
Introduction to the Mantra of the Breath
This practice attunes us to the presence of our breath and the vibration of the mantra So Hum (I am)
Exploring Anchors
This meditation will bring you through the anchors of sound, body, and breath.