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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Finding Ease Wherever You Are
This guided meditation helps to soften anxiety, especially in stressful moments.
Cyclic Sighing
Cyclic sighing - also known as physiological sighing - is a breathing technique that you can use to reduce anxiety and stress.
Coherent Breathing
This practice uses conscious breath to reduce stress, anxiety, and a slow down a racing heart.
Nourishing Sleep and Rest
This guided relaxation practice will support you to find rest and settle your mind and body for sleep.
Resting into Self-Acceptance
In this guided relaxation on self-acceptance, I’ll guide a practice focused on deepening the trust we have in ourselves.
Rest and Digest
This is a short practice of sensing the body as a way of activating the relaxation response.
Inner Beauty
This practice invites you to take a break from the tension and striving of daily life to fully rest your body and mind, and reveal your inner beauty.
Healing Soothing Breath
This practice focuses on the breath as an anchor of attention and a pathway for soothing rest.
Inner Stability & Peace
This practice is designed to support you in cultivating a sense of inner stability, peace and ease.
Mindfulness of Body
This practice uses awareness of the body as a starting point for pausing and paying attention to that present moment.
Coming Home to Awareness
Today’s practice is an awareness practice, similar to Yoga Nidra. Come home to the part of you that is already perfect, unchanging, pure awareness.
Lessons of the Lotus
This Yoga Nidra meditation helps to calm the mind and body through visualization.
Yoga Nidra - Own Belonging
This meditation includes an invitation to explore feelings of both sadness and happiness - recognizing these emotions as impermanent and ever-changing. Everything belongs.
Meeting Your Body and Mind, Just As It Is
Today’s practice focuses on welcoming and feeling your body in its current state, no matter what is arising, while building a sense of okayness and wellbeing.
Building an Inner Resource
Today’s practice focuses on building an Inner Resource which is a felt sense in the body that helps you feel relaxed, at ease, and in control of your experience.
Working with Loss or Challenging Emotions
Today’s practice focuses on meeting and working with challenging emotions. We’ll learn to welcome an emotion as sensation in the body, meeting it as a messenger that reveals information.
Working with Color to Cope with Chronic Pain
Today’s practice will incorporate noting – which is when we meet pain as pure sensation – and peel off the conceptual label which may otherwise bind us to our habitual patterns.
Equal Belly Breath
A simple meditation to help you feel loved and connected to your community.