Advancing the scientific understanding of mindfulness, yoga, and community for brain injury
Our research is not only central to the work we do, but also activates the medical community to integrate holistic health services in brain injury rehabilitation. We’ve published 9 studies with more underway, which you can read about below!
LoveYourBrain Published Research | Research on the Benefits of Yoga & Meditation for Brain Injury Healing | TBI and Health Disparities among BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Communities
Feasibility and Preliminary Effectiveness of an Online Meditation Intervention in Young Adults With Concussion History
View the full study (CALLAHAN ET AL., 2024).
This study investigated the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of an online, concussion-focused meditation intervention among 15 young adults with a concussion history. Participants completed 10-20 minutes per day of LoveYourBrain meditations for 6 weeks. Results found that a majority of participants completed 5+ days per week of the LoveYourBrain meditations, and concussion symptom severity significantly decreased on the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptom Questionnaire (RPQ) compared with before the intervention. Specifically, 83% (n = 10) reported lower concussion symptom severity, and 75% (n = 9) reported less concussion symptoms as a mild, moderate, or severe problem (ie, worse than before injury). In conclusion, this study suggests positive adherence and feasibility of a LoveYourBrain meditation intervention, and potential benefits of concussion-specific meditation programming on symptoms and stress.
Citation: Callahan CE, Donnelly KZ, Gaylord SA, Faurot KR, DeFreese JD, Kiefer AW, Register-Mihalik JK. Feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of an online meditation intervention in young adults with concussion history. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2024; Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsr.2023-0329.
LoveYourBrain Mindset: Feasibility, Acceptability, Usability, and Effectiveness of an Online Yoga, Mindfulness, and Psychoeducation Intervention for People with Traumatic Brain Injury
View the full study (CALLAHAN ET AL., 2023).
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased the demand for and necessity of online services to promote health and wellbeing after TBI. Despite the benefits of yoga, mindfulness, and psychoeducation after traumatic brain injury (TBI), no online programming exists. This pre-post, retrospective study evaluated LoveYourBrain Mindset, a six-week online yoga, mindfulness, and psychoeducation program with weekly interactive Zoom classes and prerecorded mindfulness tools. Two interactive class types (45-minute group discussion, 75-minute group discussion and gentle yoga) are offered to enhance accessibility. People were eligible for this study if they experienced TBI, were a caregiver, or clinician; ≥15 years old; and capable of gentle exercise and group discussion. We analyzed attendance, program ratings, mindfulness tools utilization, and pre/post-intervention differences in QOL, resilience, emotional/behavioral dysregulation, cognition, and positive affect/well-being. Overall, 1539 individuals signed up for LoveYourBrain Mindset with 1093 (71.02%) participating in one/more classes. The mean program rating was 9.09 (SD=1.28). Majority (62.99%) used the mindfulness tools each week. Multiple linear regression models controlling for age, TBI severity, and gender indicated significant improvements in QOL, resilience, emotional/behavioral dysregulation, cognition, and positive affect/well-being (p<0.001). This suggests LoveYourBrain Mindset is feasible, acceptable, usable, and may improve outcomes among people with TBI.
The feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of the multimodal, community-based LoveYourBrain Retreat program for people with traumatic brain injury and caregivers
View the full study (DONNELLY ET AL. 2022).
This pre-post, retrospective, concurrent triangulation mixed methods study sought to evaluate the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of the LoveYourBrain Retreat program. A 5-day, multimodal, residential Retreat intervention was designed to improve quality of life among traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors and caregivers through mindfulness, movement, nutrition, art, and community-building. Eligibility included being a TBI survivor (>2 years post-injury) or caregiver, 18+ years old, independently mobile, able to communicate verbally, and a first-time participant. Self-reported quantitative and qualitative data were collected via electronic surveys pre- and post-retreat, analyzed separately, then combined. We found that 68 People—53 with TBI and 15 caregivers—participated in one of three LoveYourBrain Retreats. Significant improvements were found in the Quality of Life After Brain Injury - Overall Scale (6.91, 95%CI 1.88–11.94), Resilience (2.14, 95%CI 0.50–3.78), Cognition (2.81, 95%CI 0.79–4.83), and Emotional/Behavioral Dysregulation (2.84, 95%CI 0.14–5.54) among TBI survivors (n = 41). Mean satisfaction was 9.6/10 (SD = 0.64). Content analysis revealed community connection, reframing TBI experience, self-regulation, and self-care themes. The LoveYourBrain Retreat is feasible, acceptable, and may be effective complementary rehabilitation to improve QOL among TBI survivors.
A crossover pilot trial of the feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of LoveYourBrain Yoga for community-dwelling adults with multiple sclerosis
View the full study (DONNELLY ET AL., 2022).
Although yoga is among the top most popular forms of complementary and alternative medicine used for multiple sclerosis (MS) symptom management, yoga services that are safe and specific to the MS community are largely inaccessible. This crossover pilot trial compared LoveYourBrain Yoga to a control among 15 people with MS living in rural Vermont or New Hampshire. Significant improvements were found in fatigue, positive affect and wellbeing, and anxiety after LoveYourBrain Yoga compared to the control. The results suggest LoveYourBrain Yoga may improve a range of MS symptoms and offer a means for acquiring new skills for stress reduction, anxiety management, and overall wellbeing. Participants also reported high satisfaction and over 92% would ‘definitely, yes’ recommend LoveYourBain Yoga to a friend or family. Our results show that LoveYourBrain Yoga improved a range of health benefits, which suggest that it may be an effective mode of community-based rehabilitation for MS.
A retrospective study on the acceptability, feasibility, and effectiveness of LoveYourBrain Yoga for people with traumatic brain injury and caregivers
View the full study (DONNELLY ET AL. 2019).
This pre-post study is the largest study yet published exploring the benefits of yoga for the TBI community. Over a two year time period, 1,563 people (82.0%) participated 1 or more classes in 156 LoveYourBrain Yoga programs across 18 states and 3 Canadian provinces. Mean program satisfaction was 9.3 out of 10 (SD 1.0). Mixed effects linear regression found significant improvements in QOLIBRI-OS (B 9.70, 95% CI: 8.51, 10.90), Resilience (B 1.30, 95% CI: 0.60, 2.06), Positive Affect and Well-being (B 1.49, 95% CI: 1.14, 1.84), and Cognition (B 1.48, 95% CI: 0.78, 2.18) among traumatic brain injury survivors (n = 705). No improvement was found in Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation, however, content analysis revealed better ability to regulate anxiety, anger, stress, and impulsivity. Caregivers perceived improvements in physical and psychological health. LoveYourBrain Yoga is feasible to implement on a large scale and may be an effective mode of community-based rehabilitation.
Best practices for adapting and delivering community-based yoga for people with traumatic brain injury in the United States and Canada
View the full study (CHAUHAN ET AL. 2020).
This cross-sectional, mixed methods study used an online survey among 175 yoga teachers trained to teach yoga to people with TBI through the LoveYourBrain Yoga program. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis. 86 teachers (n=50%) responded. Best practices for adapting yoga for TBI revealed six themes: simple, slow, and repeated, creating a safe space, position of the head and neck, demonstration, importance of props, and special considerations for yoga studios, and three themes for yoga program delivery: structured yet flexible, acceptability of compensation, and time management. 89% of teachers reported using the manual to guide their classes was either very/extremely helpful, yet nearly half (49%) adapted the manual content often/always. To deliver accessible, community-based yoga services to the TBI population, we recommend using a manual that allows for flexibility and an environment that has low light and noise, props, and sufficient space. We also recommend ensuring yoga teachers have skills in offering physical modifications for the head and neck; slow, simple, and repeated cueing to facilitate cognitive processing; managing challenging behaviors through redirection techniques; and promoting safety through inclusivity, compassion, and personal agency. Training yoga teachers in best practices for TBI-specific yoga may be a strategic approach to meeting the gap for accessible community-based services among this population.
Feasibility of a Combined Neuromodulation and Yoga Intervention for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Chronic Pain: Protocol for an Open-label Pilot Trial
View the study (KRESE ET AL. 2021).
The aim of this study is to (1) develop a combined iTBS+yoga intervention (based on LoveYourBrain Yoga) for mTBI and chronic pain, (2) assess the intervention's feasibility and acceptability, and (3) gather preliminary clinical outcome data on quality of life, function, and pain that will guide future studies. Download the study.
A qualitative study of LoveYourBrain Yoga: a group-based yoga with psychoeducation intervention to facilitate community integration for people with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers
View the full study (DONNELLY ET AL. 2019).
Researchers interviewed 13 people with TBI and 3 caregivers who had participated in LYB Yoga. Participants reported improvements in strength, balance, flexibility, and attention control, and a greater sense of belonging, community connection, and ability to move forward with their lives. Participants reported ongoing use of tools (e.g., breathing exercises) to cope with negative emotions and stress. About half of participants sustained relationships built during LoveYourBrain Yoga and felt more capable of accessing other activities in their community. Our results show that LoveYourBrain Yoga led to diverse and meaningful physical, psychological, and social health benefits, which suggest that it may be an effective mode of community-based rehabilitation. Download the study.
The feasibility and impact of a yoga pilot programme on the quality-of-life of adults with acquired brain injury
View the full study (Donnelly et al., 2017).
Alongside Dartmouth College, LYB conducted a pre-post evaluation of an 8-week gentle yoga program for people with acquired brain injury. This study included 31 adults with ABI who were allocated to yoga (n = 16) or control (n = 15) groups. People who participated in the yoga program experienced significant improvements in their overall quality of life (measured by the valid and reliable TBI-specific Quality of Life after Brain Injury scale), as well as a more positive sense of themselves and their capabilities and their ability to manage negative emotions. We used the results of this study to inform the design of our current yoga program curriculum, which is based on the science of resilience. Download the study.
Here is a quote from one of our study participants:
“The program has already made a big difference in how I feel. My mind feels clearer and I feel more calm. I am getting more sleep at night and waking up less in the middle of the night.”
Research Library
Our programs are designed from the growing science on the benefits of yoga and meditation for brain injury healing and well-being. To help you stay informed, we have compiled a list of key studies in this area.
Depression and Fatigue
View the full study (ACABCHUCK ET AL.,L 2020).
This first-ever meta-analysis on meditation, yoga, and mindfulness-based interventions for chronic symptoms of mTBI offers hope but highlights the need for rigorous new trials to advance clinical applications and to explore mechanistic pathways. Twenty studies (N = 539) were included. Results revealed significant improvement of overall symptoms compared to controls (d = 0.41; 95% CI [0.04, 0.77]; τ2 = 0.06), with significant within-group improvements in mental health (d = 0.39), physical health (d = 0.39), cognitive performance (d = 0.24), quality of life (d = 0.39), and self-related processing (d = 0.38). Symptoms showing greatest improvement were fatigue (d = 0.96) and depression (d = 0.40). Findings were homogeneous across studies. Study quality concerns include lack of randomiZation, blinding, and recording of adverse events.
Memory, Self-Efficacy, and Quality of Life
View the full study (AZULAY ET AL., 2013).
This pre-post study evaluated the effectiveness of a 10-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program tailored for mild TBI. The MBSR program included a series of mind-body practices, specifically body scan (i.e., systematically scanning the body with awareness), walking meditation, sitting meditation, and yoga. Participants included 22 individuals (11 men, 11 women) who were within 7 months post-injury and ranged in age from 18 to 62 years. The MBSR program involved enhancement of attentional skills, in addition to increased awareness of internal and external experiences with an attitude of acceptance and non-judgment.
Clinically meaningful improvements were noted on measures of quality of life (Cohen's d = 0.43) and perceived self-efficacy (Cohen d = 0.50) with smaller but still significant effects on measures of central executive aspects of working memory and regulation of attention.
Strength, Balance, and Endurance
View the full study (SCHMID ET AL., 2015).
In this study, 3 TBI survivors participated in an 8-week one-on-one yoga program. Participants were on average about 19 years postinjury. Each yoga class was 1-hour in length and offered twice a week, and became progressively more challenging. All yoga sessions included breathing, yoga postures (seated, standing, and floor), and 10 minutes of guided meditation/relaxation.
Participants experienced more strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility. All participants reported that yoga had a positive impact on their life and improved their recovery.
Mental Fatigue and Information Processing
View the full study (JOHANSSON ET AL., 2012).
In this study, 19 individuals with TBI or stroke were randomized to participate in an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program or as no-treatment controls. The MBSR program included weekly 2.5-hour long group sessions and home practice for 45 minutes of gentle yoga, body scan (systematically scanning the body with awareness), and sitting meditation.
Participants experienced significant improvements in mental fatigue (MFS) and in neuropsychological tests (i.e., Digit Symbol-Coding and Trail Making Test), with specific focus on information processing and attention.
View the full study (COLE ET AL., 2015).
In this pre-post pilot study, 9 Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and a history of mild TBI with chronic cognitive complaints participated in an 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program.
There were significant improvements in participants’ attention control immediately following MBSR and largely sustained improvements 3 months after completion. There were also significant reductions in PTSD symptoms immediately after MBSR, which were also sustained 3 months following completion.
Physical and Emotional Wellbeing
View the full study (SILVERTHORNE ET AL., 2012).
This study investigated the respiratory, physical, and psychological functioning of 10 individuals with severe TBI (6 men, 4 women) who attended weekly chair-yoga classes as compared to 4 no-treatment controls (3 men, 1 woman).
The yoga group experienced improvements in several measures of respiratory functioning and physical and emotional well-being over 9 months. The control group also had positive trends in physical functioning and general health, but they did not experience improvements in as many outcomes as the yoga group.
Quality of Life
View the full study (BEDARD ET AL., 2009).
This pre-post pilot study examined a mindfulness-based stress reduction approach to improve quality of life among individuals affected by TBI. The intervention comprised 12-weekly group sessions including insight meditation, breathing exercises, guided visualization, and group discussion. The intention was to encourage a new way of thinking about disability and life to bring a sense of acceptance, allowing participants to move beyond limiting beliefs.
They found significant improvements in quality of life among the 10 people who participated in the intervention, while no improvements were found among the 3 people in the control group.
Cognitive Function
View the full study (MCMILLIAN ET AL., 2010).
This randomized controlled trial offered a brief (4-week) mindfulness intervention for individuals affected by TBI. This study found no differences on objective or self-report measures of cognitive function, mood or symptom reporting. Researchers postulate that the brevity of the intervention may explain the lack of effect.