All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Calm, Soothe, and Ground
In this meditation, explore three techniques to calm, soothe, and ground your nervous system.
Inner Beauty
This practice invites you to take a break from the tension and striving of daily life to fully rest your body and mind, and reveal your inner beauty.
Healing Soothing Breath
This practice focuses on the breath as an anchor of attention and a pathway for soothing rest.
Palms Up, Palms Down
Today's practice helps to let go of something negative - thoughts, feelings, or situations that are keeping you stuck and enhance your ability to take in the positive from the world around you.
Two Feet, One Breath
Today's practice is a brief mindfulness practice for grounding, stabilization, and coming back to the present moment.
Coming Home to Awareness
Today’s practice is an awareness practice, similar to Yoga Nidra. Come home to the part of you that is already perfect, unchanging, pure awareness.
The Body: Relax the Grip of Anxiety
Today’s meditation gets you into your body through simple relaxation techniques.
Transformer Breath
In this meditation, we’ll practice “Transformer Breath” to focus our attention and calm our nervous systems by using sound to play with the breath.
Humming Bee Breath
As part of this meditation series on playful sounds and silence, this practice will focus on “humming bee breath” which is a fun way to focus and uplift your mood.
Inner Resource
Inside each of us is a deep sense of inner knowing, an innate felt-sense of unchanging wellbeing. From this inner knowing, safety, and trust, we can choose right action that feels in harmony with life.
Cultivating Heartful Compassion
In this 8 minute guided meditation, we explore cultivating heartful compassion, friendliness and care through intentional offerings of safety, happiness, good health and ease, both towards ourselves and to all living beings.
Centering On Hope
In this brief practice, we’ll center our attention on our bodies and hearts to inspire a sense of hope.
Be Real Grateful
In this guided meditation we will find and experience gratitude for things big and small, incorporating affirmations with our breathwork.
Respect In Our Words
This mantra meditation focuses on cultivating respect for ourselves and others through our words. Instead of holding onto the things that we don’t like or wish were different, use this time to give yourself a moment of grace.
Cultivating Non-Judgemental Awareness
In this practice, we will use mindfulness of our body, mind, and breath to welcome our whole selves in the present, with compassion.
16 Steps of Meditation
This practice will guide you through the 16 steps of basic meditation.
Like A River
While using the memory of a river and its flowing water, this practice encourages you to use your breath like a paddle to handle life + your thoughts.
‘I Am Here’ Affirmation
This affirmation meditation uses the phrase “I am here” in connection with the breath to bring us into the present moment.