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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Community Connection
This visualization meditation helps to cultivate feelings of connection and belonging.
Nourishing Sleep and Rest
This guided relaxation practice will support you to find rest and settle your mind and body for sleep.
Building an Inner Resource
Today’s practice focuses on building an Inner Resource which is a felt sense in the body that helps you feel relaxed, at ease, and in control of your experience.
Working with Color to Cope with Chronic Pain
Today’s practice will incorporate noting – which is when we meet pain as pure sensation – and peel off the conceptual label which may otherwise bind us to our habitual patterns.
Breathing Into Our Inner Resilience
This practice invites us to explore our inner resilience through the energy invoked by our breath.
Reprogramming the Mind/Body Relationship
Today, we begin the process of retraining the mind, to think in new ways, to believe new thoughts. Many of our thoughts have been learned and can be unlearned, in order to bring more presence and wellbeing. Affirmation and mantra are the focal point today.
Living Presence in the World
Today’s meditation is a deep commitment to yourself, your body and your mind to remain in the moment and in possibility. We review ways to access the tools of anxiety relief out in the world, where it really counts – with others.
The intention of this meditation is to cultivate self-compassion and loving kindness towards your self.
Breath Calming
Try this practice just before bed as a way to use deep breathing and body sensing to sleep more deeply.
I Am Resilient
Use affirmations to awaken the stability, strength, and resiliency within you.
Drop in Body Scan
A body awareness meditation focusing on dropping into the present moment.
Yoga Nidra: Resting in the Bliss
Move into a complete state of relaxation with a practice that uses the deep intuitive knowledge of your body to create profound healing. Lie down. Let go. Receive.
Yoga Nidra: Profound Healing Shift
Move into a complete state of relaxation with a practice that uses the deep intuitive knowledge of your body to create profound healing. Lie down. Let go. Receive.
Move Into Ease
A practice to balance your inner strength and letting go create an even deeper sense of steadiness and ease.