Finding Ease Wherever You Are

Led by RJ Lisander

This guided meditation uses mindfulness and breath to soothe anxiety, especially during activating times. After brain injury it is common for our sympathetic nervous system - our fight or flight response - to be more easily activated. This serves a purpose when we are in danger, but when this part of us is overactive it means we can feel more stressed and anxious. In this meditation we will soothe these feelings and remember that we are okay.

Having had two TBIs RJ (she/her) understands the challenges and effects of recent and long-term injury. I have worked hard to overcome many of these challenges, yet it wasn't until I found LoveYourBrain that all the pieces fell into place. I am honored and humbled to share this program and witness the growth of each practitioner.

Why LYB: I'm always inspired by the resilience of the human spirit. We can achieve more than we may think with practice, patience and kindness to self and others. I see this in every individual and every class with whom I am lucky enough to spend time on the mat.

Superhero: My hero is always the person who took a risk, tried something new, pushed a boundary for growth (both personal and communal).

Resources: I founded Lotus Seed Lifestyles to offer a space to work with individuals, non-profits, and community groups to offer yoga and meditation as paths to recovery and personal improvement. You can learn more about what I do through my website,


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