All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Curiosity and the Breath
In this meditation we focus on the breath and being curious about the quality of the breath and the ability the breath has to change the shape of the body.
RAIN Meditation
RAIN, which stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture, is a powerful practice for bringing kind awareness to when we're feeling stuck.
Listening with Mind, Body, and Heart
In this practice, we explore how we can mindfully listen to our thoughts and emotions through our mind, body, and heart.
The intention of this meditation is to cultivate self-compassion and loving kindness towards your self.
Loving Boundaries
In this meditation we focus on the breath and being curious about the quality of the breath and the ability the breath has to change the shape of the body.
Awareness, Gratitude, & Empowerment
This practice invites you to find gratitude for that experience and use the positivity to overcome obstacles and challenges in your life.
Awareness to Presence
A practice to encourage awareness of your breath and your body with the intention of connecting you to the present moment.
Breath, Not Breath
This simple practice establish an awareness of the mind, through the breath and how to accept distracting thoughts as nothing more than, ‘not breath.’
Breath Calming
Try this practice just before bed as a way to use deep breathing and body sensing to sleep more deeply.
Exploring Our Senses
This calming and grounding meditation allows you earn to accept what’s going on in the present.
Short and Sweet
Become more aware of the present moment by observing your own breath rhythm.