Find Peace in Your Body

Led by Jonathan Prescott

Breathe peace and calm into your body. Using affirmation with your breath is a powerful way to shift your energy. In this practice we center ourselves through breath awareness, to support you in challenging times, difficult conversations, or times of uncertainty.

Jonathan Prescott is a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor. As a long time ordained student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, Jonathan’s practice is to support people experiencing illness and end of life, foster effective caregiving, and reconnect people with their innate wisdom and compassion. Jonathan is the founder of Wise Caregiving, a non-profit dedicated to helping people become effective, sustainable, and empathetic caregivers. Jonathan’s background includes hospice, cancer-care, hospital Chaplain, and a spiritual practice as an ordained student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.


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