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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Compassionate Breathing
This practice will foster a sense of connection with others, joy, and resiliency to decrease negative emotions like anxiety and depression.
Coherent Breathing
This practice uses conscious breath to reduce stress, anxiety, and a slow down a racing heart.
Finding Joy in the Body
In this meditation, we use our imagination to bring to mind various things that we love, and then we notice our bodies response.
Steadying the Mind in Presence
This practice will bring mindful attention to thinking, and then use simple phrases to help the mind stay present.
R.A.I.N. Meditation
Today's practice focuses on how to handle challenging emotions. This practice invites you to use the tools of Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture (R.A.I.N) to create more ease in the mind and body.
Breathing Into Our Inner Resilience
This practice invites us to explore our inner resilience through the energy invoked by our breath.
Living Presence in the World
Today’s meditation is a deep commitment to yourself, your body and your mind to remain in the moment and in possibility. We review ways to access the tools of anxiety relief out in the world, where it really counts – with others.
Offering Forgiveness
In this meditation, we will continue to practice responding to ourselves and our experience in a non-judgemental way. We will also explore how to feel and offer ourselves forgiveness.
Lighting the Way
This meditation is designed to protect your energy. Using your breath to create an atmosphere that allows you to set a healthy boundary between yourself and the day ahead.
Mindfulness of Breath
Focus your attention on the sensation of breath occurring in your body to find focus and calm.
Sound and Touch
Explore what is easily available to you -- sounds and sensations -- to cultivate clarity and ease.