All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Lighting the Way
This meditation is designed to protect your energy. Using your breath to create an atmosphere that allows you to set a healthy boundary between yourself and the day ahead.
Earth Release
A nourishing meditation to help release any heavy thoughts, patterns, and emotions by energetically giving them to the earth.
I Am Resilient
Use affirmations to awaken the stability, strength, and resiliency within you.
Exploring Our Senses
This calming and grounding meditation allows you earn to accept what’s going on in the present.
Mindfulness of Breath
Focus your attention on the sensation of breath occurring in your body to find focus and calm.
Drop in Body Scan
A body awareness meditation focusing on dropping into the present moment.
Move Into Ease
A practice to balance your inner strength and letting go create an even deeper sense of steadiness and ease.
Multidimensional Meditation
This practice will explore the layers of who you are to live more fully and gracefully.
Sound and Touch
Explore what is easily available to you -- sounds and sensations -- to cultivate clarity and ease.