All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
The Breath: Soothing Stress
Today, we look at the breath, we control it, we lengthen it and target the nervous system in ways that will further relax the body and slow the mind’s incessant chatter.
Value In Our Thoughts
This mindfulness meditation explores how to be inclusive with our thoughts and cultivate a deep sense of belonging. Feel and value who you are from the inside out.
Present Moment Curiosity
A practice for stepping out of our everyday habit loops and noticing what might normally be overlooked. This becomes a path for bringing a welcome sense of respite to the body and mind.
Mindfulness of Thoughts
In this meditation, we’ll experience how softly noting our thoughts can help us learn how to not be carried away by our stories.
Be Real Present
In this guided meditation, we will scan our bodies to notice how we are arriving, and if there is anything that we are holding on to.
Embodying Center
This meditation is intended to help you connect to your embodied sense of center.
Introduction to the Mantra of the Breath
This practice attunes us to the presence of our breath and the vibration of the mantra So Hum (I am)
Exploring Anchors
This meditation will bring you through the anchors of sound, body, and breath.
Curiosity and Emotions
In this meditation we focus on the breath and being curious about the emotions that are present.
Curiosity and the Breath
In this meditation we focus on the breath and being curious about the quality of the breath and the ability the breath has to change the shape of the body.
Listening with Mind, Body, and Heart
In this practice, we explore how we can mindfully listen to our thoughts and emotions through our mind, body, and heart.
Heart Breath Meditation
A simple meditation to help you feel loved and connected to your community.
Equal Belly Breath
A simple meditation to help you feel loved and connected to your community.