All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Cyclic Sighing
Cyclic sighing - also known as physiological sighing - is a breathing technique that you can use to reduce anxiety and stress.
Compassionate Breathing
This practice will foster a sense of connection with others, joy, and resiliency to decrease negative emotions like anxiety and depression.
4-4-6-2 Breath Practice
The 4-4-6-2 practice can create a fresh start to the day by bringing balance, energy, and clarity into the body, breath, and mind!
Awareness of Breath
Mindful breathing can result in a number of proven health benefits such as pain relief, stress, reduction, anxiety reduction, and less negative thinking.
Coherent Breathing
This practice uses conscious breath to reduce stress, anxiety, and a slow down a racing heart.
Compassionate Breathing
This practice focuses on staying in the present moment through mindful breathing.
Soften, Soothe, Allow
Today's practice focuses on how to work with a difficult situation, painful emotion or uncomfortable physical sensation in the body through the gentle and compassionate guided practice of soften, soothe, and allow.
U-Turn with Compassion
Today's practice focuses on moving away from negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions and learning how to turn toward ourselves with love and compassion.
R.A.I.N. Meditation
Today's practice focuses on how to handle challenging emotions. This practice invites you to use the tools of Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture (R.A.I.N) to create more ease in the mind and body.
Palms Up, Palms Down
Today's practice helps to let go of something negative - thoughts, feelings, or situations that are keeping you stuck and enhance your ability to take in the positive from the world around you.
Two Feet, One Breath
Today's practice is a brief mindfulness practice for grounding, stabilization, and coming back to the present moment.
Safe Container
Today's practice helps to work with negative thoughts, feelings, or emotions through a visualization practice that allows the thoughts to be placed in “a safe container” for a period of time.