Limit Processed Foods
While creating a routine and schedule is important, switching things up allows our brains to be more flexible and will make future changes easier to adapt to.
Switch up your routine
While creating a routine and schedule is important, switching things up allows our brains to be more flexible and will make future changes easier to adapt to.
Discover your intention
Intention setting is an important aspect of a growth mindset, but knowing where to start can be challenging.
Ask for help
As many places are experiencing more COVID restrictions, it’s easy to settle into our own routines. As we near the holidays, try checking in on those in your community (yourself too)!
Make a playlist
As many places are experiencing more COVID restrictions, it’s easy to settle into our own routines. As we near the holidays, try checking in on those in your community (yourself too)!
Create an Energy Bank
Community member Cait Ward shares how creating her “energy bank” has been instrumental in navigating her days.
Set Realistic Goals
Goal setting is important for finding our meaning and purpose, however, setting realistic goals is crucial to keep us motivated.
Appreciate the Little Things
Gratitude doesn’t live in a job, a relationship, or a perfect life. It lives within you. And you can strengthen your capacity for gratitude, just like you strengthen a muscle.
Categorizing Stressors
Chronic stress leads to a multitude of health concerns. Learning how to categorize (and prioritize) stress may be key in keeping your brain healthy.
Spend Time Outdoors
Studies have shown that spending time outside can increase contentment and reduce undesirable feelings (depression, anxiety, etc.)
Be Mindful
Being mindful is a tool that we can do in more ways than one. Here, we’ll share some easy ways to incorporate more mindfulness in your day to day routine.
Drink Kombucha
Craving something sweet to drink as we approach summer months? Try making your own kombucha for a healthy alternative.
Say ‘Yes’ to Help
This week, Jerry Simon, a LoveYourBrain community member and Retreat participant, shares his advice for other caregivers.