Ask for help
As many places are experiencing more COVID restrictions, it’s easy to settle into our own routines. As we near the holidays, try checking in on those in your community (yourself too)!
Be Brave
Have you ever heard the saying, “fake it ‘til you make it”? Turns out there is evidence that supports facing our fears and convincing ourselves we can handle whatever comes our way. By tricking our brain into thinking that we can handle the situation at hand, will actually start the process of becoming immune to the fearful object.
Be Confident
In this month’s Tip from our Community, Marina Shelton shares her wisdom on the importance of confidence.
Be Courageous
Being courageous can mean many things, it can be in the simplest ideas or the grandest gestures.
Make Mistakes
It's ok to sometimes make mistakes, just as long as you learn something from them!