Bookend your day!

Mental Flexibility | 04.26.21 | By Braeden Ostepchuk

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Sleep is amazing, but it’s not an erase function on an Etch A Sketch. Life is full of stress, pain, heartbreak, and suffering; that is part of the human condition. But we have the power to disassociate from our emotions and manifest a positive mental state.

Easy? No. But doable, yes. Allocating time at the beginning and end of every day provides us with an opportunity to clear our minds, relieve stress and anxiety, and create a healthier mental state. Not only can we subjectively feel better, but through meditation, breathing practices, yoga, reading, or journaling, we can actually activate our parasympathetic nervous system. These practices can alter our physiology, including the optimization of neurotransmitters and reduction of stress hormones like cortisol.

An easy way to start bookending your day is to dedicate the first and last 30 minutes of each day to personal time. Keep your phone away, avoid all distractions, and spend time doing something that brings you peace and positivity. This is your time to connect with your emotions and focus on your growth and happiness.

A few things you can do in this time:

  • Practice Gratitude

  • Read

  • Pray

  • Write in a journal

  • Meditate

  • Breathing exercises

  • Yoga

  • Exercise

Interested in learning more from Braeden? Check out his website and podcast, Learn II Perform, here!


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