Stay Hydrated
Hydration is key - especially as the weather starts to (steadily) get warmer!
Chapter 1: Beginner’s Mind, Beginner’s Brain by Jesse Huffman
Yoga cultivated the flexibility and mental space I needed when I moved back to Vermont to take up a desk job, start a family, build a house, survive cancer and ultimately endure the dissolution of my marriage.
Navigating New Waters by Derek Dabkoski
Derek talks about how he made it through the hard part of surviving a near fatal injury and now he must focus on living in the healthiest, happiest, and most productive way possible.
Only Way to Go is Up by Jackie Palmer
Jackie shares her secret, “Instead of dwelling on something I can’t change, I choose to think forward and just be thankful I’m here. The only place for me to go is up!”
Positiver Thinking by Andy Ward & Pattie Reagan
Andy and Pattie have focused on the positive and remind others to not give up following a brain injury.
Listen to People Who Know You
Sometimes listening to our loved ones can be as important as listening to ourselves.
Prove Them Wrong
This week's tip comes straight from a member of the brain injury community.
Be Confident
In this month’s Tip from our Community, Marina Shelton shares her wisdom on the importance of confidence.
Get Exercising
This tip comes directly from a brain injury survivor advocating the importance of getting moving!
Don’t Dwell On Your Mistakes
Making mistakes is part of the human experience, but it is what we learn from them that matters.
Visit A National Park
Checking out a National Park is a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors this spring.
Wear A Helmet
Wearing a helmet can significantly reduce your risk of concusion and traumatic brain injury.