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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
The Body: Relax the Grip of Anxiety
Today’s meditation gets you into your body through simple relaxation techniques.
The Breath: Soothing Stress
Today, we look at the breath, we control it, we lengthen it and target the nervous system in ways that will further relax the body and slow the mind’s incessant chatter.
Naming Anxiety and Negative Self-Talk
Today’s practice offers ways to witness the mind, to observe anxiety without judgment.
Reprogramming the Mind/Body Relationship
Today, we begin the process of retraining the mind, to think in new ways, to believe new thoughts. Many of our thoughts have been learned and can be unlearned, in order to bring more presence and wellbeing. Affirmation and mantra are the focal point today.
Living Presence in the World
Today’s meditation is a deep commitment to yourself, your body and your mind to remain in the moment and in possibility. We review ways to access the tools of anxiety relief out in the world, where it really counts – with others.