All MeditationS
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Body Scan | Breath | Loving-Kindness | Mantra | Mindfulness | Visualization | Yoga Nidra
Weather Pattern of Thoughts
Using the breath as an anchor for your attention, you will be invited to begin to notice, without judgment, the weather patterns of thoughts that float across the expansive sky of your mind.
Calm, Soothe, and Ground
In this meditation, explore three techniques to calm, soothe, and ground your nervous system.
RAIN Meditation
RAIN (acronym for Recognize, Allow, Investigate and Nurture) is a mindfulness meditation technique that invites us to begin to untangle from the reactivity that often stems from difficult and challenging emotions by beginning to turn towards these emotions with friendliness, curiosity and care.
Compassion and Worthiness
In this guided Metta meditation, we explore cultivating a heartful, compassionate response to these challenging emotions through intentional offerings of kindness and strength as a means to help us reconnect to a felt sense of worthiness.
Cultivating Heartful Compassion
In this 8 minute guided meditation, we explore cultivating heartful compassion, friendliness and care through intentional offerings of safety, happiness, good health and ease, both towards ourselves and to all living beings.