Rachel Petri

she/her - Denver, CO

LYB Mindset Facilitator, LYB Training Team

About me: I deeply believe in the healing and transformative power of yoga and meditation. I have been teaching since 2016, and am continually reminded of what is possible when we look inward, building awareness and space for growth. I have training in vinyasa + bhakti yoga, breathwork, mindfulness + visualization techniques, emotional processing through meditation, and mindful leadership. I also love getting in nature, cooking, live music, the people in my life, and the simple joys that hold so much meaning!

Why LYB: I heard about LYB many years ago, and was immediately moved by the story of resilience and healing, and a community coming together for this. Many of my life experiences have shown me how important it is to find a space where you feel accepted and embraced, and I always want to be a part of those spaces. It is so moving to see this community come together in exactly that way.

Superhero: Anyone who lives authentically and courageously, leading with their heart.

Resources: Connect with me at www.rachpetri.com


Rachel Horsley


Raegan Robinson