Loving Kindness

This practice is meant to be done together with someone in your life. Loving Kindness practice builds on the self-awareness that can be cultivated in more physiological practices. Not only can loving kindness improve our self-awareness, but it can also strengthen our empathy for others. This practice is all about how we want to take care of ourselves and how we want to show up for the people in our lives. In this loving kindness practice we first calm the mind. Then we will voice well-wishes to ourselves, extend those same wishes to loved ones, further extend them to strangers, and extend them further to someone we have difficulty with. The practice concludes by dramatically widening the scope of our well-wishes; offering them  to our community/state/country/world before returning once more to wish them for ourselves. 

Chris Borland is former All-American at the University of Wisconsin and NFL standout at linebacker. After leaving the game due to concerns of brain injury, Chris turned to meditation to support his transition out of football. Borland teaches with Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and consults with The Center for Healthy Minds. He lives in Madison, Wisconsin


Living Presence in the World


Humming Bee Breath