Working from Home

Mental Flexibility | 3.23.20 | By Shilo Zeller, BSc. & Laurel Crosby


Did you know that the entire LoveYourBrain team works remote? Given the state of the global community, a lot of places of employment are transitioning to a work from home (WFH) setup. For many, this can be a massive change and finding the right groove to get work done can be challenging. Here at LoveYourBrain, we’ve compiled a list of tips that help us stay motivated and on-task day to day.

  1. Create a morning ritual to start your day and help get you focused 

  2. Set up a dedicated workspace

  3. Drink water. Drink water. And then drink some more water. When we don't exert a lot of energy getting to and around our office, our body's natural cue for thirst may not be as noticeable.

  4. Set an alarm for regular strolls, whether across the apartment, in the park, or around the block. Use this opportunity to breathe. Or stretch. The body was not meant to sit all day, no matter how good a rhythm you find yourself in.

  5. Make time in your calendar to eat, and don't forget to actually do it. Regular meal breaks will help build your awareness to the time of day, and power you with the energy you need to get through it.

  6. Check in with your coworkers about non-work related topics. When you don’t have the chance to pop into someone’s office or swing by the lunchroom, things can feel lonely. 

  7. As quick and easy as you think it will be to do your laundry or the dishes during the workday, avoid this! Train your brain to understand that even though you are home, you are still "in the office". 

  8. Find a good playlist that will help you stay motivated. Another option? Apps like Coffitivity provide cafe sounds so you can get that social gathering feel. 

Hopefully these tips help you get started with your new work from home routine. And don’t forget to wash your hands!


Part 4: Every Way Down Leads Back to the Heart


Part 3: Lost On The Way Home