Make Lists

Brain Fitness | 9.7.15 | By Daya Alexander Grant, PH.D., M.S.


Each day, we are faced with a seemingly endless number of tasks to complete.  Getting everything done is infinitely more difficult after a TBI, which often impairs your ability to concentrate.  Having difficulty focusing on one task at a time can make you feel overwhelmed, so one of the best ways to manage that is to make lists.  Write lists for everything from errands to work tasks and household chores to restaurants you want to try.  

Lists will serve to:

  • Keep you on track

  • Greatly improve your productivity

  • Ease your stress

If you’re more high-tech and less pencil-and-paper, then consider downloading a list-making app, such as Todoist or Wunderlist.  So, when you feel like you have too many things swarming around inside your head, take a moment to get them down on paper.  Why waste your precious mental storage to remember endless lists?  Now, if only there was an app that would complete the tasks for us.


Be Positive

