Eat Well!

Nutrition | 11.18.19 | By Kevin Pearce, written by Shilo Zeller, BSC.


This tip comes from our Co-Founder, Kevin Pearce:

I’ve always eaten healthy. Food is an important element in my healing and I am highly conscious of what I put in my body.  I’ve found that eating the right food and paying attention to the nutrients I’m getting has been key to getting my brain and body to perform at its highest level.  

One change that I’ve found to be extremely beneficial is cutting out the amount of refined sugar (from sweets and junk food) I eat and focus on consuming natural sugars from fruit instead. I gravitate toward natural, organic, whole foods and stay away from alcohol and foods that might taste great, but we know are not nourishing.

I’ve also really worked on educating myself on what our brains need to perform at their optimal levels. I’ve incorporated more fish into my diet to ensure I’m getting my omega-3s and eat foods that are rich in antioxidants which protects nerve cells from toxins. 

We share a lot of tips about the benefits of specific foods, however, anything that you put into your body directly relates to how your brain will function.


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