Day 21: Supporting With Action

Meditation Series: Be Inclusive
Led by Natasha Chaoua

In this final meditation practice, we’ll orient our minds and hearts to support ourselves and others through action. This is an invitation to open ourselves up to the uncomfortable spaces within and outside ourselves with curiosity and care.

Natasha (she/her) is the descendant of two Jamaican parents, born and raised in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She moved to America in her early twenties and is married with three children. Natasha currently resides on Susquehannock, Nentego (Nanticoke) and Piscataway Territory, colonially known as Columbia, MD.

She is the founder and owner of Dubwise Yoga, a certified hatha yoga instructor and member of Satya Yoga Cooperative, Colorado’s first 200 hour yoga teacher training program for Black, Indigenous, People Of Color and the nations first BIPOC member-owned yoga cooperative led by Lakshmi Nair. She’s had a personal practice since 2000 and began teaching in 2018.

Natasha offers trauma informed yoga, is passionate about disabilities, mental health and a medical cannabis advocate. Prior to teaching Natasha spent several years working for persons with developmental disabilities later teaching yoga and mindfulness practices to this community. She eventually became a CNA and had the pleasure of working at Craig Hospital with those who experienced a spinal cord injury (SCI) and/or brain injury (BI), as well as the neuro ICU at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus.

She learned from Jivana Heyman and is a certified accessible yoga teacher, ambassador and supporting organization, as well as a registered yoga teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance. She recently completed Michelle Johnson’s Skill in Action – Yoga + Social Justice 300hr yoga teacher training, as well as Matthew Sanford’s level 1 adaptive yoga training. 

Recently, Natasha became a certified LoveYourBrain yoga instructor, facilitator and joined their training team supporting and sharing the benefits of yoga and meditation with the TBI community. Her mentor was Ramsay Pierce and she currently contributes to their YTTs as well as their six week Mindset programs for those who have experienced a brain injury (BI).

Natasha is grateful to collaborate with several community partners spreading her mission of equitable and accessible yoga to all, especially BIPOC communities.


Day 22: Cultivating Inner Joy


Day 20: Respect In Our Words