Simon Pearce X LoveYourBrain

Mindful Monday Series:
Be Curious

A practice for stepping out of our everyday habit loops and noticing what might normally be overlooked. This becomes a path for bringing a welcome sense of respite to body and mind. (Approximately 10 minutes.)


This practice is led by Turi Hetherington.

As a yoga instructor and holistic health coach, Turi helps individuals develop strength, flexibility and balance in body and mind. She is especially drawn to the quieting practices of gentle yoga and meditation to reduce stress and tension in the body, find the quiet place behind the busy thinking mind, and calm and soothe the nervous system.

“To me, to be curious means to inquire, observe, and listen. It helps me see things I might normally miss. It helps me gain a new perspective and see new possibilities. To me, curiosity is filled with a sense of hope, wonder, and adventure. In our meditation practice curiosity shows up in our self-inquiry. We can learn a lot from turning our attention inward, tuning into sensations in the body, the flow of our breath, and the coming and going of our thoughts and emotions. This inner-knowing allows us to feel a greater sense of harmony with our Self and the world around us.” - Turi

Be Curious with us!

Explore the LoveYourBrain collection by  Simon Pearce.

Explore the LoveYourBrain collection by
Simon Pearce.

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