Nicole Venditti

West Chester, PA

LYB Mindset Facilitator

About me: I am the mom of a toddler, a spouse, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and an occupational therapist who sustained a concussion over 3 years ago. Although my post-concussion symptoms affect most aspects of my life, with the support around me, and in particular the LYB community, I have built my resilience to overcome many challenges. I love to spend time with my family and explore the outdoors with my son through biking, hiking, sports, and going to the beach. 

Why LYB: The LYB community has been instrumental in my journey and outlook on my situation with post-concussion symptoms. After participating in the LYB Mindset program, I have regained a sense of belonging by being a part of a group who “get it”. I am honored to be a LYB Mindset Facilitator to spread the word about LYB, and continue to build a supportive community for those impacted by TBI. 

Superhero: My first superhero is my spouse, because he has been my strongest supporter and advocate from the beginning. My second superhero is my son because no matter the situation, he gives me unconditional love and smiles.


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