Health Professionals Training
A growing science shows yoga has tremendous potential to foster healing from brain injury
Not only does yoga offer a pathway to improved strength, attention control, and stress management, it can also provide people with powerful opportunities to look inward, connect with themselves more deeply, and discover their capacity to move forward. Brain injury rehabilitation is also extremely demanding on clinicians, so learning mindfulness tools that allow you to be compassionately present moment-to-moment with thoughts, feelings, and sensations will increase your resilience, satisfaction, and ultimately the impact on the lives of patients you serve.
LoveYourBrain Yoga for Health Professionals
What: Interactive, 20 hour, online training offered over 4 days (Thurs - Sun). This training focuses on how to integrate yoga-based tools into a clinical practice. We dive into a wide array of adaptive yoga, meditation, and breathing techniques to accommodate a broad range of brain injury symptoms and severity levels. There will be hands-on practice teaching in small groups, interactive Q&A, live yoga & meditation practices led by Training Faculty, and interactive breakouts to connect with peers.
Who: Specifically designed for health professionals working in inpatient to post-acute brain injury services for patients with traumatic brain injury, stroke, and other forms of ABI.
Certification: All graduates will be LoveYourBrain Yoga Certified. We offer 2.0 CEUs for OTs through AOTA and 20 credit hours for PT/PTAs from New Jersey. We also offer 20 contact CE hours through Yoga Alliance. This training also serves as the certification requirement for clinicians in the LoveYourBrain Clinical Affiliate program who offer LYB Yoga (our research-backed, six-week curriculum) in clinical facilities across North America.
Upcoming Dates:
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“This training provided me with a fresh perspective regarding the benefits and uses of yoga as a therapeutic tool. The training brought to light subtle changes I could make in my communication approach when speaking with clients and caregivers to support a more encouraging and supportive therapeutic environment.”

“I am grateful for the LoveYourBrain training. It was a perfect fusion of OT & Yoga. It gave me a strong foundation in the yoga practice with many adaptations to meet the needs of those that I work with! It deepened my understanding of TBI and recovery. Thank you for all the love and devotion that was shared. It was truly a unique experience, I highly recommend!”
- Jenn Pratt OTR/L
“As a physical therapy student and yoga instructor, I found this training incredibly inspiring. It provided me with the opportunity to not only work with other yoga instructors and health professionals, but with humans living with a TBI. I believe it has helped reformat what I see my practice looking like in the future and I am beyond grateful for this experience.”
- Ana Lotz (PTs)
“As a speech-language pathologist, I look forward to incorporating these practices (especially the meditation and pranayama techniques) into therapy sessions with clients. I was fascinated by the science behind these techniques including how they impact the brain and how adaptations can be made depending on symptoms due to TBI. Most importantly, I hope to embody the deeper understanding I have of TBI to improve my ability to engage with and provide inclusive services to those who have been affected by TBI.”
- Bryanna Nalevanko (SLP)
“As a health care professional working with the TBI community I found that this training was a great refresher for my current knowledge, but it has also reminded me of the importance of TBI education within the community. I am excited to expand my current skill set with the training provided and offer the many benefits from this training to my current and future clients. As someone who has suffered from a TBI in the past, I understand the importance of a program like Love Your Brain Yoga and I look forward to providing others with the opportunity of experiencing this program. This program is something I wish I had access to during my recovery.”
- Kylie Brewster (OTA)
Any questions?
View our training Frequently Asked Questions here!
If you still have questions, you can always reach out to trainings@loveyourbrain.com.