TBI Resources & Support

Check out these trusted organizations for information and resources to support the brain injury community!

United States


The national the Brain Injury Association of America works to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury.

Website: https://www.biausa.org/find-bia

Email: info@biausa.org


BrainLine is a national multimedia project offering authoritative information and support to anyone whose life has been affected by brain injury or PTSD: people with brain injuries, their family and friends, and the professionals who work with them. BrainLine also provides military-specific information and resources on traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to veterans, service members, and their families. Through BrainLine, we seek to provide a sense of community, a place where people who care about brain injury can go 24 hours a day for information, support, and ideas.

Website: https://www.brainline.org

Email: info@BrainLine.org


In North Carolina, Neuro Community Care provides individualized, functional supports to persons with brain injury and other neurological conditions with a focus on successful transitions into their communities.

Website: www.neurocc.com

Email: sgraham@neurocc.com


North Dakota Brain Injury Network (NDBIN) provides information and support to individuals with brain injury, their family member and various service providers and agencies. Our resource facilitator assists with navigating the service system and provides technical assistance in finding the right resources for each individual. We offer outreach and education to increase public awareness of brain injury, as well as peer support by connecting people with others who have experienced a brain injury. We can provide onsite training to facilities and organizations as well. All of our services are FREE.

Website: http://www.ndbin.org

Email: carly.endres@und.edu


The national United States Brain Injury Alliance is building state and national capacity to create a better future alongside individuals affected by brain injury. They envision a world where all persons with a brain injury thrive in their community.

Website: https://usbia.org/

Email: info@usbia.org


Concussion Alliance provides in-depth information about concussions, treatment options, search tools to find providers, and population-specific information for veterans, survivors of intimate partner violence, women & girls, and more. We run an undergraduate Concussion Education & Advocacy Internship Program that trains future advocates planning healthcare and public health careers.

Website: concussionalliance.org

Email: cg@concussionalliance.org


Serving as the leading national source of information and education for state employees who support public brain injury programs, National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA) provides information on national trends, best practices, and state contacts to federal agencies, state and national associations and TBI partners across the country.

Website: nashia.org

Travis Manion Foundation logo

Travis Manion Foundation strives to unite and strengthen communities by training, developing, and highlighting the role models that lead them. We develop programs, training opportunities, and events designed to empower military veterans and families of the fallen, and then inspire them to pass on their values to the next generation and the community at large. TMF offers community building, service opportunities, and leadership development programs.

Website: travismanion.org

Email: info@travismanion.org




The Concussion Community offers an online place for all people who are dealing with post-concussion / TBI symptoms. Connect with professional concussion experts and with others in the same situation.

Website: https://www.theconcussioncommunity.com/

Email: info@theconcussioncommunity.com


The Concussion Legacy Foundation HelpLine provides personalized support to those struggling with the outcomes of brain injury, as well as their families. If you or a loved one have suffered a recent concussion, are struggling with lingering symptoms, or are concerned about CTE, we want to hear from you.

Website: concussionfoundation.org

Email: mburke@concussionfoundation.org