
Learn to regulate your nervous sytem and create balance within through your breath.


Awareness of Breath

Experience the benefits of mindful breathing, including, pain relief, stress, reduction, anxiety reduction, and less negative thinking.

Dr. Tracey Meyers, 3 min, No Music


Compassionate Breathing

This practice offers you a chance to experience the powerful healing effect of self-compassion to help foster a sense of connection.

Dr. Tracey Meyers, 8 min, No Music


Cyclic Sighing

Cyclic sighing) - also known as physiological sighing - is a breathing technique that you can use to reduce anxiety and stress.

Dr. Tracey Meyers, 3 min, No Music


Coherent Breathing

By breathing in and out more slowly in this practice, the body begins to find calm, balance, and stability activating the vagus nerve that helps turn on our relaxation response to reduce stress and anxiety.

Dr. Tracey Meyers, 10 min, No Music


4-4-6-2 Practice

This practice is a breath-counting exercise that has shown to be useful when you need to calm down quickly when you are scared, panicky, or angry.

Dr. Tracey Meyers, 5 min, No Music