Nurturing our capacity to care:

Online Caregiver Retreat

Empowering caregivers with new perspective, tools, and purpose

Our connection to others really begins with our connection to ourself. Through a blend of workshop-style presentations, experiential activities, guided meditation, and group discussion, this six-week program will offer transformational resources and community connection to expand your capacity to care for yourself and those you support.

6 weeks starting Thursday, September 4th | 12-2pm ET on Zoom

Sign up to be notified when registration opens!

What can I expect?

You’ll learn to see that the power of change starts from within, how to work through stuck places, and how to cultivate more fulfilling and compassionate relationships with yourself and others.

  • Learn an effective framework for negotiating boundaries to balance meeting your own needs and those of your loved one

  • Learn practical strategies to skillfully work with difficult emotions, grief, and limiting beliefs 

  • Expand your listening skills through head, heart, and body to improve healthy and clear communication

  • Practice mindfulness and meditation techniques to manage stress and promote self-compassion

  • Connect with a powerful community of people whose lives have been transformed by caregiving

  • Build a trusted relationship with your Retreat Partner to validate and expand your perspective

  • Directly apply each week’s topic in daily life through journaling, home meditation practice, and 1:1 meetings with other retreat members


Six weeks on Thursdays | September 4th - October 9th

12-2 pm EST on Zoom

Recordings are available if you aren’t able to make the sessions live


Adults serving in a caregiving or supportive role (e.g., spouse, partner, sibling, parent) for an individual with a brain injury, including concussion and other forms of TBI, stroke, tumor, hypoxia/anoxia. (If you’ve experienced a TBI, we encourage you to attend our Community Retreats!)


To provide more equitable access, we offer trust-based sliding scale payment options and some scholarships, which you can apply for in your application. Payment (non-refundable) due in full 1 week after acceptance.

  • $350 USD - Actual cost (pays for you)

  • $550 USD - Supporter (pays for you and supports another)

  • $700 USD - Sponsor (pays for you and another)

  • $200 USD - Partial scholarship

  • Full scholarship

Learn foundational skills for caregiving


Week 1

Vulnerability: Deepen your connection to yourself and others by being truthful to the wisdom of your experience

Vulnerability: Deepen your connection to yourself and others by being truthful to the wisdom of your experience

Week 2

Healthy Boundaries: Loving boundaries are the foundation for sustainable, compassionate care

Healthy Boundaries: Loving boundaries are the foundation for sustainable, compassionate care

Week 3

Listening: Mindfulness clears the listening space so we can listen with head, heart, and body

Listening: Mindfulness clears the listening space so we can listen with head, heart, and body


Week 4

Trusting your Goodness: Being guided by our own goodness is the surest measure of our results

Trusting your Goodness: Being guided by our own goodness is the surest measure of our results

Week 5

Opening to Grief: Leaning into grief opens our hearts and centers us in care.

Opening to Grief: Leaning into grief opens our hearts and centers us in care.

Week 6

Receiving while Giving: Sustainable giving requires conscious receiving

Receiving while Giving: Sustainable giving requires conscious receiving


Lasting impact

“This was the first time I was in a room with so many caregivers of people with TBI and it was tremendously powerful. To feel connected to others. To feel validated. Supported. Compassion. I received practical tools to help with acceptance, grief, loss, and communicating with my husband with a TBI. I highly recommend attending this program!” - Past participant

Who is the Teaching Team?


Jonathan Prescott is a Board Certified Clinical Chaplain and Pastoral Counselor. As a long time ordained student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, Jonathan’s practice is to support people experiencing illness and end of life, foster effective caregiving, and reconnect people with their innate wisdom and compassion. Jonathan is the founder of Wise Caregiving, a non-profit dedicated to helping people become effective, sustainable, and empathetic caregivers.

Kyla Pearce has taught yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to people with brain injury, caregivers, and health professionals for nearly 10 years through her role as the Senior Director of Programs and Research at LoveYourBrain. Kyla has blended her expertise as a yoga teacher, caregiver, and researcher to develop a suite of evidence-based yoga and mindfulness programs for people with TBI and caregivers that increases resilience, quality of life, emotional regulation, cognition, and positive affect.

Adam Pearce is the co-founder and Executive Director of the LoveYourBrain Foundation, a non-profit that offers programs to build community and foster resilience for people with TBI and their caregivers. Drawing on his experience as a caregiver and vipassana practitioner, Adam leads retreats and workshops for people affected by brain injury based on the pillars of mindfulness, movement, community, and nutrition.


Elizabeth Grey is the Retreat Program Manager at LoveYourBrain. With a very big-heart, she skillfully manages all communications, logistics, technology, and schedules for this program. Elizabeth is your go-to for any questions or concerns you may have about participating, so that each person feels welcomed, seen, and heard in all interactions with LoveYourBrain.

Karla Johnston is co-leader of  Wise Caregiving, a non-profit dedicated to helping people become effective, sustainable, and empathetic caregivers. She is a certified mindfulness facilitator with a degree in counseling, passionately serving families and their loved ones in hospital, education, addiction/recovery, and incarcerated spaces for over 30 years. Karla is a TEDx speaker and a writer, ordained in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Order of Interbeing. She is a Zen Peacemaker.



What technology will I need to participate?

It is best if you have reliable internet, a device that connects to the internet and has a webcam. We will be hosting each session over Zoom, and we recommend you download the Zoom app to your device before the retreat begins.

What if I’ve already participated in a LYB Retreat or other program?

We’d love to have you again! While some content is similar, you’ll receive it in a new way based on where you are today in your caregiving journey. The group will also be different so you’ll make new friendships and gain unique insight from this cohort. We encourage you to join us again to deepen and expand your learnings!

If I am unable to make a session over the course of six weeks, can I still attend?

While we recommend all registered participants to attend every session, we understand that sometimes unexpected situations may arise that prevent you from joining us. We will record all sessions (for internal use only), and can share the recording of the session you missed if needed.

How long is each session? Will there be an opportunity for breaks?

Each session will be 2 hours in length, and will include guided meditations, and facilitated discussions. If at any moment you need to step away, please do, and join us when you are able to.

I am a caregiver of someone that does not have a brain injury - am I eligible to attend?

Our Caregiver Retreat is designed for adults (18+) who are serving in a caregiving role (e.g., spouse, partner, sibling, parent) for an individual with a brain injury, including concussion and other forms of TBI, stroke, tumor, hypoxia/anoxia. You also must be interested in participating in an interactive group setting and available to attend the entire event.

Will there be an opportunity to connect with participants throughout or after the program concludes?

Yes, pending permission from each participant, we will share ways to stay in touch at the conclusion of the retreat.

I have another question not answered here - who can I reach out to?

We’re always happy to help! Please email: and we will get back to you within 1-2 business days.


“A teacher once shared with me, “expectations kill connection.”

Until I started really doing the work, I started to really see how this was true for me.”

-Adam Pearce