Strategic Partnerships


Collaborate with us to maximize resources for healing after TBI


LoveYourBrain forms strategic partnerships with organizations serving the brain injury community on a large scale to amplify awareness about our respective programs, resources, and products. Together, we grow our reach and make more impact among the communities we serve.



LoveYourBrain may support you by:

  • Including you on the LoveYourBrain Resource Directory 

  • Sharing events, products, programs, etc. on our social media platforms (distribution of 100,000+ people)

  • Spotlighting you on our website and in the LYB Community Newsletter (distribution 40,000+ people)

  • Featuring you in a LYB Tip on a topic of your choice shared on social media (distribution of 100,000+ people)

  • Giving discounts or scholarships to LYB trainings

  • Free LYB-branded stickers and printed and digital program promotional materials 

  • Merchandise giveaways or discounts to the LYB store

You may support LoveYourBrain by:

  • Scheduling a 30-min virtual onboarding call with the LoveYourBrain team and your key staff to learn about LoveYourBrain programs, the research behind yoga and meditation for TBI, and the mission and services of your organization

  • Including LoveYourBrain on your website (e.g., Resource Directory, strategic partner section)

  • Sharing LoveYourBrain programs, research, and/or fundraising campaigns among your community via your email marketing, newsletter, conferences, etc. LYB will provide you with digital promotion material.

  • Sharing LoveYourBrain programs, research, and/or fundraising campaigns on your social media (in-feed or stories) using LYB-branded content.

  • Appointing an primary contact to maintain consistent communication with LoveYourBrain

  • Inviting LoveYourBrain to lead meditation practices, yoga classes, and presentations on the benefits of yoga for TBI via your network (e.g., livestream on social media, presentations, workshops, conferences, etc.).