Power of Awareness
NEW Mindfulness Course for the brain injury community.
9 weeks | on-demand | for all levels
Ready to find focus, feel rested, and strengthen your mental and emotional clarity?
Introducing the FIRST EVER online meditation course designed specifically for people affected by brain injury. Train your mind - and even rewire your brain - through a progression of topics to help you create a life-changing meditation practice!
Why meditate with LoveYourBrain?
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Engaging video lessons and audio meditations specifically for people with brain injury, concussion, caregivers, clinicians, meditation teachers & others interested in brain health
Sign up for Power of Awareness today to:
Learn new skills
What mindfulness is & how it supports common impacts of brain injury
Foundational skills for establishing and sustaining a meditation routine
Practical tools for working with difficult emotions, thoughts, & body sensations, and so much more
What’s included?
Weekly video lessons (~15 mins) plus guided meditations (~10 mins)
A common question that often comes up is ‘what’s the best meditation position? And, if I can’t be still - does that mean I’m failing?’ Learn guiding principles about how to set up for your meditation practice to balance being alert yet at ease.
Then, learn a simple framework to break down what we’re doing in mindfulness meditation to help make it more accessible.
Includes 2 video lectures and 2 meditation practices.
Learn about the power of pausing, and how mindfulness can support us to do so.
Then, examine one of the biggest reasons we meditate - training our mind how to pay attention. Yet, after brain injury, or when we experience chronic stress, our ability to pay attention and stay focused is even more compromised.
We’ll practice noticing when we become distracted, and, instead of criticizing or judging ourselves as failures, we’ll gently guide our attention back to the present with a quality of understanding and kindness.
Includes 2 video lectures and 2 meditation practices.
Let’s get on the same page about what mindfulness is and some key elements of the practice specific to brain injury. There are many ways to define mindfulness, but they all boil down to two things - awareness and kindness.
In the meditation practice, we’ll explore both what’s happening around us and within us, and see if we can receive it with curiosity and kindness.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Learn some of the core benefits of mindfulness for brain injury and brain health.
The meditation, Deepening Kind Awareness, will continue to build your skills in paying attention with a slightly longer practice.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Learn the process of Pause, Stabilize, and Open as a pathway for our mindfulness meditation practice.
Learn a brief practice as an effective tool for pausing, stabilizing attention, and opening to presence when you need to reset.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Learn why starting with the body is a helpful entry point into mindfulness, and unpack two common experiences - I can’t feel this part of my body and I don’t want to feel this part of my body.
Practice moving awareness through your physical body to pause and pay kind attention to our experience, whether unpleasant, pleasant, or neutral.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Learn how mindfulness supports self-regulation, the ability to manage one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts, especially during times of stress. What does it mean to be inside, within, and outside of our Window of Tolerance?
In the practice, Anchor of Attention, we’ll explore three different sensory anchors to help steady the mind and nervous system. We’ll include some periods of silence to practice noticing when our attention is pulled away and then guide it back to our anchor.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Learn about mindfulness of thoughts, and how to better manage the content and process of our mental activity.
In the meditation, we’ll continue with our anchor of attention practice and weave in mindfulness of thoughts. As soon as you notice this thought, gently name it ‘thinking’. This way, we create a bit of space around our thoughts instead of getting caught up in their storyline.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Mindfulness allows us to learn how to live in a more conscious and gentle relationship with our emotions. This is especially helpful after brain injury when adjusting to the significant changes in how life is now often comes with intense emotions.
Learn the RAIN practice, which stands for Recognize, Allow, Investigate, and Nurture, which is designed to help bring kind awareness to your experience, which can be particularly useful during times of emotional difficulty after brain injury.
Includes 1 video lecture and 1 meditation practice.
Other mindfulness offerings:
10-Day Meditation Immersion
A curated meditation journey for consistency and inspiration
Exclusive daily practices
Meditation & Yoga Library
Find the right practice for you, whenever you need it
100+ accessible practices & classes